Xavier de Luna

Professor of Statistics at Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics - Umeå University, Sweden

Member of the steering groups: Stat4Reg Lab,  Umeå SIMSAM Lab and  SINGS (Swedish INterdisciplinary Graduate School in register-based research). 

Editor of Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2025-2027). Handling new submissions starting July 2024.

Associate Editor: Biometrics (2014-2024), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2021-2024)and Observational Studies (2015- )

Email: xavier.deluna AT umu.se

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Research interests and projects:

Theory and method: Causal inference, and causal machine learning; Covariate/Model selection and dimension reduction.

Fields of application: Register based research in the social and health sciences; Life course and inequality studies. 

Current project:


PhD students:



Working papers:

Selected publications (method followed by application papers): 

Theory and Method

Applications in different fields

Brief CV


Professor at the Department of Statistics, Umeå University.

Chair of the steering groups of: the Umeå SIMSAM Lab, and of the Stat4Reg Lab.

Member of the steering group of SINGS (Swedish INterdisciplinary Graduate School in register-based research). 

Editor of Scandinavian Journal of Statistics (2025-2027).

Associate Editor: Biometrics (2014-2024), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2021-2024), Observational Studies (2015- ).

2011-2023: Member of the scientific advisory board of Statistics Sweden.

2014: Guest researcher at Research Center of Statistics, University of Geneva.

2011-12: Review Panel (HS-B) for grant applications at the Swedish Research Council.

2007- : Professor of Statistics, Umeå University, Sweden.

2008-15 : Affiliated researcher at the Institute of Labour Market Policy Evaluation (IFAU), Uppsala.

2009-11: Head of the Department of Statistics, Umeå University, Sweden.

2007-08 : Research Fellow at the Institute of Labour Market Policy Evaluation (IFAU), Uppsala.

2006: Guest researcher at Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle.

2002-06 : Associate Professor at the Dept. of Statistics, Umeå University, Sweden.

2001-02 : Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Statistics, Umeå University, Sweden.

2000-02 : Statistical consultant at Dept. of Business Administration, Umeå University, Sweden.

1999-2001 : Research Fellow at the Dept. of Economics, Umeå University, Sweden. Research funded by the Wikström's Foundation (1999-2000), and the Wallander and Hedelius' Foundation (2000-2001).

1997-99: Lecturer in Statistics, Dept. of Statistical Science, University College London, UK.

1996-97: Post-doctoral research fellow at the Dept. of Economics, Umeå University, Sweden. Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

1996: Docteur ès sciences (PhD in Statistics), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland.