News @
Marie Eriksson and Xavier de Luna have been awarded funding by the Swedish Research Council for two projects starting 2025 on "Integrated machine and deep learning models for predictive analysis in complex disease domains" (PI Marie Eriksson, Co-applicant Xijia Liu) and "Generative AI to promote open science in register based research" (PI Xavier de Luna, Co-applicant Anna Baranowska-Rataj).
Maria Josefsson and Xavier de Luna are organizing invited sessions at CMStat23 in Berlin, December 2023. The former on "Biostatistical methods in Alzheimer's disease and aging research" and the latter on "Distributional shifts and applications to missing data and causal inference".
New open PhD student position in collaboration with CEDAR (Center for Demographic and Ageing Research) with a project on "Studies of heterogeneous effects of critical life course events using machine learning". More information and how to apply: link. Deadline for application 13 of November 2023.
Three projects have been awarded funding by the Swedish Research Council this Fall: "Dynamic relations between cardiovascular, social and behaviourial risk factors of cognitive ageing"; "Innovative machine learning methods for comparison of predictions and outcomes in register data"; "Robots with Causal Capabilities".
Maria Josefsson is invited speaker at the International Biometric Conference in Riga, 10-15 July, in the session "Recent developments in probabilistic machine learning methods for causal inference"
Xavier de Luna is invited speaker at the meeting Challenges for Categorical Data Analysis in Perugia, 12-13 May.
Marie Eriksson is moderator for the session "Potentials for AI in National Quality Registers" at the "Quality Registers for research Day" in Stockholm, 5 May, 2022.
Research grants: The project "Machine learning to study causality with big datasets: towards methods yielding valid statistical conclusions" has been awarded grants from the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (6 million SEK) and from the Swedish Research Council (4.7 million SEK).
We are organizing two invited sesssions "Causal inference with machine learning" and "Causal mediation analysis" at the 14th CMStatistics 2021 meeting, 18-20 December at King's College London.
We are organizing an invited session on "Causal inference and register data" at the 8th Nordic-Baltic Biometrics Virtual Conference (Helsinki), June 7-10, 2021.
Open reseach assistant position (5 months): announcement (in Swedish)
Several Postdoc (2-year) and PhD student positions (4-year) at the Department of Statistics, USBE, Umeå University. Details on the positions and how to apply here: postdoc - PhD program
NBBC 2021: We are organizing an invited session on "Causal inference and register data" at the 8th Nordic-Baltic Biometrics Virtual Conference (Helsinki), June 7-10, 2021. Three speakers have been invited to present their work: Dylan Small (Univ Pennsylvania), Erin Gabriel (Karonlinska Inst) and Juha Karvanen (Univ Jyväskylä).
Conference: Stat4Reg researchers are organizing three invited sessions at the Virtual CMStatistics, December 2020. Session EO636: Advances in causal survival analysis, session EO083: Causal inference and graphical models and session EO528: Topics in causal inference: Selection bias and sensitivity analysis. More information can be found here.
PhD student position -causal mediation analysis: We are now opening a fully funded PhD position. Apply before 20 May 2020. For more details on the research projects and how to apply follow the link here
Conference: Stat4Reg members organized two invited sessions and gave four talks at the CMStatistics meeting in London, December 2019; on topics related to machine learning for causal inference and missing data problems. See program.
Sports: Stat4Reg team participating at the brännboll "World Championship" for the third year in a row: picture!
Seminar: Gentle introduction to mediation analysis given to researchers working with register data at the Umeå SIMSAM Lab. Slides here.
Job: We are looking for a programmer (C++, Python, parallel programming, etc) to work with our researchers at implementing novel machine learning methods, starting September 1 2019. See announcement (in Swedish) .
PhD defence: Tetiana Gorbach will defend her thesis "Methods for longitudinal brain imaging studies with dropout" on Februari 22, 2019. Opponent: Martin Lindquist, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Earlier News:
Conference on Machine Learning — 2018-nov-28 08:07:47
New PhD student positions — 2018-nov-23 09:21:16
Research funding from Swedish research councils — 2018-nov-20 12:39:50
Conference on Machine Learning — 2018-okt-09 08:17:19
National competence centre in register based research — 2018-feb-04 00:30:42
New funding from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond — 2017-okt-30 08:59:47
PhD defence — 2017-okt-30 08:45:04
New funding to Stat4Reg from the Swedish Research Council for 2017-2022 — 2017-mar-29 13:48:55
STRATOS visiting Umeå — 2016-dec-22 15:36:15
PhD student position in statistics — 2016-nov-10 14:10:16
Two PhD defences at Stat4Reg — 2016-sep-22 13:42:36
Atlantic Causal Inference Conference 2016 — 2016-apr-26 08:04:34
PhD student position — 2016-mar-30 11:17:33
UK-CIM 2016 — 2016-jan-27 11:25:01
New funding from the Wallenberg Foundation — 2015-dec-14 15:12:26
More conferences, summer 2015 — 2015-sep-06 13:56:10
5th Nordic-Baltic Biometric Conference — 2015-jun-06 11:48:59
Two year Postdoc position @ Stat4Reg — 2015-apr-25 16:31:25
Marie Eriksson interviewed in Neurology Today — 2015-apr-25 16:26:49